What is frontier insurance?
Frontier insurance is a liability insurance for vehicles of non-EU countries. When non-EU citizens travel to an EU country with their vehicle; they will have to take out separate liability insurance, namely frontier insurance.
Frontier insurance ensures that vehicles of non-EU citizens are covered by liability insurance within the EU because in the EU, liability insurance is compulsory for vehicles.
Frontier insurance is also necessary when you buy a vehicle that is registered in Great Britain and transfer it to Germany.
You are from a non-EU country and wish to explore Europe with your own vehicle?
If you are from a non-EU country, for example the USA or Turkey, and you wish to cross the European border with your own car, motorcycle or camper, you will need frontier insurance. The customs of the state of entry will check the insurance policy. At this point, it is best to take out frontier insurance before your departure, because if you don’t have an insurance police at hand, you may be denied entry.

What is international motor insurance?
Similar to frontier insurance, this liability insurance is necessary for EU-citizens who travel to non-EU countries or to countries in which the vehicle’s green insurance card is not valid.
Please check if your green insurance card is valid in the destination country. International motor insurance is often necessary, for example when traveling from Germany or another EU-country to Turkey or Morocco.
Where can I take out frontier insurance or international motor insurance?
TourInsure is an experienced expert in frontier insurance and international motor insurance. Whether you travel with your own car, motorcycle or camper – we find the right insurance for you.
For more information, please visit our website www.tourinsure.de
You will also find application forms for frontier insurance and international vehicle insurance directly on our website.